Raising a puppy, is raising a child. It's a lifelong commitment.

Whether you want a puppy or dog, or you already have a puppy or dog.What you are about to read is important and an eye opener to many. If you know of someone thinking to get a puppy or dog or just needs a little help, please share this post with them. They will thank you, their neighbors should thank you and most of all, we want to keep unwanted dogs off the streets and into good loving homes. There are many reasons why people get a puppy or dog. Security, companionship, a hiking buddy, the list goes on. Sometimes a dog or puppy is purchased from a registered AKC / UKC breeder or picked up from a shelter. Most of the time there isn't much thought or planning and the out come is less than worthy and honorable. Dog ownership is for ever and the bond shared is second to none. It's a commitment and if your not ready to fully commit, than wait until you are. Too many dogs are left on the streets, left in shelters or put to sleep. All because you picked them out and brought them home. If your going to chose a puppy because of those cute eyes, soft ears and that cute wagging tail, than you maybe in for some trouble and it will be more than you can handle. There will be medical bills, there will be pee and poop accidents on your floor, chewed up shoes and furniture. The following will help you prepare for this life long commitment and give you some insight of puppy ownership.


1. Anyone can get a puppy:
But before you do and get lost looking into those puppy eyes and before your, "Just going to look".  There are a some things we as responsible adults need to be aware of.  Anyone can get a puppy. But not everyone can raise one. Just like having a child, anyone can have a child. But not everyone can raise one. What goes along with raising a puppy? Well, the same that goes along with raising a child. For better or worse and if you decide to break that commitment, because you cant handle it? Or you don't have the time? What about a babies life? Or a puppies life? Can we just break a commitment with a life of a baby or a puppy and leave them on the streets? The answer is no! We need to preact rather than react. Think and act now and do the right thing, its never to late, to take ownership and make a bad situation into a good situation. During this blog, i'm going to be talking about puppies and the responsible ownership. But, before I do. I want you to understand that with in this blog, we are only scratching the surface of a puppies belly, of dog ownership. Its a little more than just scratching behind the ears. Its a life long commitment of bonding and learning. But before you go jumping into your car and driving down to a local shelter, searching online for a "good deal" from a "private owner" (not all online private owners are puppy mills, do your homework about the owner BEFORE you go look at the puppies) or a location that sells puppies with papers (local pet stores that sell dogs). I 100% recommend adoption FIRST or looking into a reputable breeder. A reputable breeder will be expensive, they will have you fill out forms and make it impossible for you to buy. This is a breeder you want to do business with. This means, they care more about their dogs than they do a profit. If their dog is hard to get, than that's your dog. Once you have broken through their wall of requirements, ask them questions. Lots of them, tell them you want a tour of their facilities. Ask them if their dog is a true purebred. Remember, they put you through the ringer. A true pure bred will cost you. Now, ask them for permission to take a DNA sample to test that purebred. DNA tests  Are not expensive and can be used as leverage when negotiating an expensive "Purebred". If you ask permission to take a DNA sample and the breeder declines, that's room for negotiating a lower price. If they agree to a DNA and it comes back with less than satisfying results. Keep in mind, what your looking for is close to as 99.9% purebred as possible. Keep that margin of error to a minimal. The higher the margin of error, the more price negotiation you may have. Let us throw out a yellow caution flag and address some considerations. Puppies are chosen by us, not created by us or created for us. Lets scratch the surface of a warm puppies belly and the ownership that goes along with them. How much do you think it costs to raise a puppy? Take a look at the PDF file from the ASPCA about pet care costs. About 10 years ago, my wife and I picked up a Rhodesian Ridgeback for about $50 from the Humane Society. The dog developed what is known as a Dermoid sinus. Surgery to have it removed and not guaranteed, cost close to $6,000. The deeper the Dermoid, the more expensive it costs. The Dog, later had hip surgery. That ran us close to $6,000 to have them repaired. These surgeries were done with out Pet Health Insurance. Commitment. Not to mention the dog medicines that went along with it. I strongly recommend having pet insurance and find a place to get good pricing with medicine. Owning a pet will get a little pricey, so buyer be ware.
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2. Personality, yours and the puppies:
Personalities, yours and the puppies. While In search of that one puppy that you cant wait to take home, think of this, If its good looks and cute eyes that you want. Well then, be ready for the total and complete unexpected. Be prepared for Dog biting. Are you ready to be bit? What about your child, a neighbor, a friend. Are they ready to be bit? Some of those cute puppies turn into aggressive dogs that may be extremely territorial. Are you ready to take part in a dog attack? Is your house wall to wall carpet? Because some dogs are harder to house train than others. Do you work nights? Do you have a baby that needs to sleep? Do you live in an apartment? Because some dogs have a tendency to bark a lot, some, to bark at absolutely nothing at all. Dog training will be another blog. But lets just stay focused on the responsibilities of getting a puppy.
Woe woe woe... Lets pull back on those reigns and get to the subject of Personality, yours and the soon to be puppy.
If your a couch potato you may not want to get a Jack Russel Terrier, Any type of herding dog, for example, Border Collie or a Siberian Husky. There's many more high energy breeds, but I think you have an idea.
The point is, if your a low low low energy person or have physical limitations, don't get a high energy dog that is going to require heavy exercise and or extreme training. Like my Rhodesian Ridge back for example, she doesn't need a human in her life. She has no problem opening cupboard doors and helping herself to my cookies. Not to mention, the countless times she managed to escape out the front door or out the back gait. She wasn't coming back any time soon that's for sure. She was off to the races.

If you are a low low low energy person, You may want to get a low low low energy dog. Such as a basset hound or a pug.

However, even if you are a low energy person or a person with physical disabilities and your heart is on a high maintenance dog. It can be done!!! You will need to do some research, you will need to prep, not to mention persistence and patience will be key. But it CAN be done! I just might be able to help with that. Know your breed!
Remember, we are only scratching the surface of a puppies belly, of dog ownership. Its a little more than just scratching behind the ears. Its a life long commitment of bonding and learning. Which ever dog you do get, have fun with him or her. Bond with them, it just may save your life.

3. Dog Biting and dog attack
All dogs have tendencies of biting and nipping. Some bite hard like A Mastiff or a Rottweiler, while others "Mouth" Like a retriever, which are bread for retrieving ducks once they have been hunted or nip like an Australian Cattle dog. Whom are natural cattle herders.
For the most part, dogs are not out looking to bite someone. They would prefer to be by them self or with in their pack ( Family or other dogs).
Lets dive in a little on each of these three areas: Biting, mouthing and nipping.

Dogs bite when they are threatened. Dogs will bite while protecting something important to them, like a food bowl, their home, a family member or because their overwhelmed with confusion, stress and strangers. Most dogs will try and avoid biting. They will growl to give a warning ( most children are unaware of this, some adults too ). Dogs will also try and walk away, unless they feel trapped or threatened. At times they will nip to warn, that you are invading their space. They have growled, nipped at you. So, prepare to be bitten! You have been warned. You have been warned by me and the dog.
Dogs that are usually left alone for long periods of time, tend to be aggressive and bite. Dogs that are left outside with no love, affection or human interaction, tend to bite and be aggressive.
Sometimes, dogs will nip and bite when their overly stimulated. Like when you play with them. They will nip to get your attention or try and get you to turn in a different direction. This could lead to a bad situation, with a child that's not yours.
Know your dog, know your breed and watch for their warning sign. All visitors need to be aware of these signs.

Hmmmmmmm, all visitors need to be aware of those signs? Yes, but let us not forget about avoiding any situation that would lead into biting.
In a controlled environment, I recommend INTERACTION INTERACTION INTERACTION! Interaction with people, kids, strangers and other dogs.
All of the puppies and dogs i have brought home, i usually start out with them eating from my hand. I start with  just a snack and then on to his / her own meal. When puppies are eating, pet them. Rub their ears and scratch their back all while talking in a calm soothing voice. When able to, encourage family members to do the same. Friends too. Get that puppy use to people and food bowl interaction, while their eating, put your hands in their food. All of my puppies and dogs allow me to put my hand in their bowl while their eating.
 While their eating and if their not growling or biting during this interaction, give them a positive praise. Always take advantage of positive praise!
If your dog is eating and you attempt to touch them or get to close to them and they start to growl while they eat, then stop! Don't force the situation. Walk away and let the dog finish eating. Other ways that have helped over come dog bowl biting, is sitting by their bowl while they eat. Then, the next day, a little closer and so forth. I have even fed a 1/4 cup of dog food to  my puppy or dog in their bowl and once they have finished their snack and look at me with their happy hungry wagging dog tail for more food. There I sit, with my hands cupped together and full of their dog food. I tell them, "Good boy / girl" in a happy and calm voice. I then call them over and have them eat from my  hands, all while praising them in a positive manner. Once they are done eating from my hand, I pore the rest of their food in their bowl and walk away. All while praising them in a positive and calm manner. I then repeat the cycle the next day and I don't stop till i can pet them and place my hand in their bowl while they are eating.

Another thing to do in discouraging your puppy to bite, is not to play rough with them and don't play tug of war with them.
Take them for walks. Walk around the block, take them in to the big box home improvement stores. Get them use to interacting with people. Pet stores are perfect for this!! Dog parks are key for dog interactions. Ensure your puppy / dog is 100% up to date with their shots. Before you get a dog, understand your local dog biting laws.
 Remember, we are only scratching the surface of a puppies belly, of dog ownership. Its a little more than just scratching behind the ears. Its a life long commitment of bonding and learning.

4. Dog Training Every dog needs a job. Police K9, Security, Bomb / Drug sniffing, Service dog and even a 24 / 7 ball fetcher. Puppies and dogs need a job, they need to have a purpose. A puppy / dog with out a purpose falls to bad behavior and that behavior turns destructive. Puppies will grow into a dog, a dog of what you have created. Dogs love to please, they love to conquer and most of all, they want you to be proud of them. The more you train them, the less destructible they will be and the more useful they will become.
Patience, persistence and positive reinforcement are the keys to training.
  • Online training courses.
  • Books.
  • Local Dog trainers, call  them ask questions. See what they offer and what it will cost.
  • Social media groups with tons of support. Facebook and Instagram have tons of breed specific groups, I have a whole bunch on my Instagram page. Go check them out.
Remember, we are only scratching the surface of a puppies belly, of dog ownership. Its a little more than just scratching behind the ears. Its a life long commitment of bonding and learning.

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5. House breaking Do you live in an apartment? Are you on the top or bottom floor? Remember, Some times when a dog has to go, a dog has to go and fast. My Rhodesian Ridge back, seems to drink and go to the bathroom as if it were a camel.
Do you work a lot or is there going to be someone home all day that can let the dog in or out? Never ever deprive a dog of fresh water, specially to try and control the amount of times a dog goes to the bathroom.
Is your home wall to wall carpet? Having a carpet with upgraded pad that has a layer of plastic on it is key. Not only for those accidental Pees that your dog will have, but for parties and or kids too. I will always recommend buying carpets that are specifically made for stain resistance. If theirs any type of accident, you want to ensure that there is a fast response time in cleaning it up. With the many dogs I have raised and trained from puppies, I have always used crate training. (Crate training, another blog soon to come). If you have tiled floors, ensure the grout lines are sealed. At least 3 coats. Dog pee tends to stain and leave odors.

  1. Watch for signs, with in 24 hrs of owning a dog or puppy. You will see and learn their, "I have to pee now signs".
  2. Most of my puppies needed to go out and pee every 30 to 40 minutes.
  3. Take your dog out side often, reward them with a Scooby snack or a rub behind the ears. Always add, "Good Dog, good boy / girl". 
  4. It is best to take your dog to the same location every time to pee or poop. When your puppy goes out to pee or poop, always follow up with a, "Good dog".
  5. When that time comes and it will happen, your dog will pee or poop on the floor un noticed. When that time comes. Never ever yell at the dog or puppy! Never ever rub your dogs nose in it and yell bad dog! Doing so does not teach or train the dog to go to the bathroom outside.
  6. Training pads by the door is always helpful. your dog will try and make it to the door, sometimes they just cant make it outside. But they are trying. Training pads by the door will help those accidental moments.
  7. Placing a bell by the door more frequently used by your dog. Teach him / her to ring it, with their paw or nose. positive reinforcements and treats help greatly with this process. 

Remember, we are only scratching the surface of a puppies belly, of dog ownership. Its a little more than just scratching behind the ears. Its a life long commitment of bonding and learning.

6. Feeding your puppyDo you know what to feed a puppy? Puppies require puppy food, not dog food. Just the same way an infant isn't going to eat prime rib. Puppies require high protein, carbohydrates and calories. Puppies need to eat frequently, up to 3 x's per day. High protein foods, limited ingredient and or grain free. What to look for in Dog food
  • "Meat" and or " meat meal" - What kind of meat? This usually means its the worse of the worse of meat, left overs from left overs. A blend of the unknown meat. 
  • Gluten - Causes digestive problems.
  • Ethoxyquin - AKA herbicide.
  • Corn - A cheep filler that makes a dog miserable.
  • By product - After meat is taken, whats left and used is known as by product. Sometimes we see flashy words in front that seam good and healthy for our dogs. Example Meat By Product. Organs are classified here, such as the liver. Liver is good. But as a whole by product category, just watch out for where its listed on the ingredient list.
  • Ingredients listed first have more content in the dog food. So, the first 3 ingredients are so important.
  • Foods that have a variety of colors like red, green and yellow. These are artificial coloring, not healthy for your dog.These are just to name a few of the bad ingredients for dog food, there's much more to be aware of. I just want to bring a few to your attention.Usually, if dog food is cheep and in expensive. It means that it is full of bad things for your dog. Yes these dog foods are affordable. However, vet bills are even more expensive. Not to mention your dog will be more healthy and apt to be more obedient. Here's a list of ingredients you want to see and you want to see them at the very top and listed first.
  • Meat ( You caught me didn't you?) You want to see words such as Turkey, venison, chicken, lamb, fish or beef, when you see this, this means that over 60% of what your feeding your dog is pretty healthy. When you see, " Beef flavor". or "with" That's just smoke and mirrors hiding the lack of  nutrients for your dog. 
  • Fruits and Vegetables are better fillers in my opinion.
  • I've always been happy with dog foods such as Blue Buffalo, Natural balance, Only Natural Pet, Taste of The Wild and Wellness. Raw foods, grain free and  limited ingredient diets are ideal.
  • Things you can also look for in dog foods are the AAFCO certification or AAFCO requirements. AAFCO Association of American Feed Control. You can find more info and why we all should be thankful for them right here www.aafco.org/  We have no affiliation with AAFCO, we are just thankful for them and want you to be as well. Not all healthy dog foods have this stated with  their label. You can also look for Product made from kitchens right here in the USA, with local ingredients. A healthy pet is a pet with less visits to the doctor. Just so you know, not every healthy dog food has this certification and some of those dog foods have some of the healthiest ingredients. 
  • The dog foods I have listed below, I have used in the past, or use now and have had great results.

             *    WARNING     *     WARNING    *    DANGER    *    DANGER    *
 Dogs need to maintain a steady and consistent diet. Feed your puppy or dog the same type of food and don't switch brands or types of dog foods. Puppies and dogs have a hard time processing dog foods. So switching brands or types may cause not only irregular bowel movements and will cause them to vomit uncontrollably. When getting a puppy, find out what the previous owners were feeding the puppy and maintain that brand. If switching dog foods, I recommend consulting with your pets doctor first. If you are unable to do such than this is what you should do. Look for dog foods with the above recommendations and slowly introduce the new with the old. This transaction should take at least two weeks. Healthier dog food is expensive. But so are visits to the doctor and the medicines your dog will need. Cheap dog foods and their ingredients tend to have cheap fillers and pass right through your dog, this causes frequent dog poops that tend to be big and stinky. Big and stinky attracts more flies and bigger issues. The most efficient and cost effective way to get the best dog food for your puppy or dog is to sign up for automatic shipments / payments. Remember we are only scratching the surface of a puppies belly, of dog ownership. Its a little more than just scratching behind the ears. Its a life long commitment of bonding and learning. Many dog food suppliers give great discounts and FREE DELIVERY!! This is ideal, a total win win and can be done here through this blog or @ WestValleyPooperScoopers.com.


7. Exercise ALL dogs need exercise and with out it you will have either have an over weight unhealthy dog that wont live a long, healthy and happily ever after life. Dogs lacking exercise tend to bark excessively and you may even end up having a tail wagging  time bomb that causes a path of destruction. Chewing expensive shoes, TV remotes, expensive Furniture, blinds, scratching doors  pees and poops on  your new carpet. Dogs that don't get their required exercise, tend to dig holes. Holes in your grass, under fence and they will dig at your carpet or hardwood floors. Folks, that list is small in comparison to what you will encounter. A dog that isn't mentally or physically exercised will cost you thousands to replace. All because you failed at exercising your dog. Exercising is great for you and your pet, grab a leash and take the puppy for a walk.
Lots of toys for dogs and puppies is extremely important, we recommend having lots of them, it keeps the puppy occupied, active and keeps them from being destructive. Remember, we are only scratching the surface of a puppies belly, of dog ownership. Its a little more than just scratching behind the ears. Its a life long commitment of bonding and learning.

9. Now here is your homework

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Grab a piece of paper and a pen / pencil and write the answers down to the following questions.

  1. After reading this blog, are you committed to being a responsible dog owner that believes that dogs are not disposable and you will raise this dog / puppy to the best of your ability to the very end of the puppy / dogs life?
  2. What breeds, best match your personality?
  3. Of those breeds you have listed, put a line through the breeds that are most likely to bite or attack .
  4. Of those remaining, put a line through the breeds that are harder to house train (potty train).
  5. Of the remaining, put a line through the breeds that are harder to train. 
  6. Of the remaining breed, put a line through the breeds that require the most exercise.
  7. Of the remaining breed(s), do you feel a male or female would suite your life style the best?

Of the remaining breed(s), this or these breeds are ideal for you. This does not mean that you can only have this type of breed(s).  However, It does mean that this breed is more suited for you and your life style. I want to assist you, the best that we can and to ensure that your choice in breed is the right one. Taking home that cute dog or puppy because of those cute eyes and that little tail wag, can lead to trouble. The right dog or puppy, is out there for you. Just make sure its the right one.

10. Now, ask your self these questions:

  1. What is this  puppy / dog  bred for?   
  2. How will I preact and react to a  dog bite or an attack and do I fully  understand Arizona's dog bite law?  Yes / No
  3. Am I prepared to have patience, dedication & be full of positive reinforcement in house training & dog training? Yes / No
  4.  Do I promise to feed the puppy / dog a healthier diet according to weight & age?  Yes / No
  5. Do I promise to have the puppy / dog receive all required shots?   Yes / No
  6. Will I have the  puppy / dog spayed or neutered, to ensure they're no more unwanted pets in animal shelters & streets? Yes / No
  7. A life saving decision in case of an emergency?    Yes / No
  8. Puppy proofing your home   Yes / No
  9. Walking, exercising and playing with your new puppy?   Yes / No

If you said yes to ALL these questions, than congratulations! West Valley Pooper Scoopers gives you the seal of approval.
Now, go get your new Puppy or dog!
 Make sure you check back with us with all your photos, let us know what breed you chose and where you got him / her.
 We are looking forward to seeing the new puppy grow and what you both have done together.

One last recommendation. Have you ever went to the grocery store. Bought a weeks worth of groceries, went home and remembered, "I never even bought a refrigerator? "I totally forgot?!?!   I don't think so. Its the same thing when getting a puppy or dog. Get what you need first. Otherwise, you will forget and you will sure to regret.

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  1. Puppy Training Pads - You will want to place these by the door most frequently used by your dog.   
  2. Potty Bell - This Idea is going to keep your dog from scratching and ruining your door. Think long term. If you need to sell your home, you will get more money with a door that is not ruined from your dog.
  3. Crate -  An ideal crate will  have 2 doors. Perfect for when you want to rearrange the room or your limited with space. A crate with one door restricts you tremendously.
  4. Kong - I have always had 2-3 in or around my house. I usually have one outside, one in the freezer stuffed with cheese or peanut butter and the 3rd is always on stand by and ready to be placed in the freezer as a replacement. Frozen treats in a Kong, will keep your dog or puppy entertained for hours!
  5. Dog bed - You want a dog bed that is machine washable and has a zipper. The ones you see down the main aisles for $20, usually are not machine washable or have a zipper.  
  6. Chew toy(s) - Lots and lots of toys. Leave toys in their crate, through out your house and back yard. Buy a laundry basket to store them when company comes over. We strongly recommend changing them out, this way your dog or puppy doesn't get board.
  7. Leash - Understand your local leash laws.
  8. Dog House - Keep them protected while your away at work. Make sure you bring them in when you get home.
  9. Out side dog kennel - Here at West Valley Pooper Scoopers LLC recommend that using outdoor kennels only for short periods of time and or temporary purposes under extreme supervision. Interact with your dog, let them be a part of your family.
  10. Doggy Door - Security and temperature control is key here.
  11. Dog food - Healthier dog food helps keep you and your pet from those unwanted Veterinarian visits.
Thank you for reading and having a better understanding of the huge responsibility of raising a puppy and dog ownership. Whether your about to answer a "Puppies for sale Ad", Adopt or gearing up to contact a breeder. It is a life long commitment. Its a relationship, a bond. You will be faced with hard decisions. Some of those decisions will be expensive, maybe even a life or death decision.The decision will be yours and it wont be easy, I promise you. I hope you make the correct decision now, rather than later. Its a question, "Should I raise a puppy?" Remember,  we are only scratching the surface of a puppies belly of dog ownership. Its a little more than just scratching behind the ears, giving them food and letting them out to pee. Its a life long commitment of bonding and learning. Raise a puppy or have a dog for companionship, not to tie out back or leave in an outdoor kennel. Thank you again, check back with us. Sign up for our mailing list at Westvalleypooperscoopers.com,  Like our Facebook page and follow us on Instagram. Please introduce yourself below. Let us know what breed your interested in and what breed you may already have. Leave a comment or two, we would love to hear from you!!


West Valley Pooper Scoopers LLC.
21422 W Monte Vista RD
Buckeye AZ

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Raising a puppy, is raising a child. It's a lifelong commitment.

Whether you want a puppy or dog, or you already have a puppy or dog.What you are about to read is important and an eye opener to m...